*Unregistered HyperCam 2 is sitting on the pier outside of the Gaylord hotel looking over the Potomac river. It’s dusk – the sun is about to set. He is browsing YouTube.*
lmao bill wutz y dnt we invit u ur so cool
o ok tim to get ths bread
hmmmm how we gona talk if i don no where u r
o lol ok this wrks. hi missingno wher r u
wow ok seris time then. k 2 thngs. 1 why u keep hidng we like can never find u. 2, y u wanna lose so bad.
hey r u stil there
ok gudddd̹͍d̯͞ḑd͈̭̮̠̯̖d͙̹d͕
wat com on
hey glithcybro com back
k look i get it if u don wana talk but we need to work ths out im worrid bout u
hec no get out here
…wow ur a hard code to crackk. hmmmmm…
lmao i knew ud be in the heckin river. ok now come out or else im comin down there and tbh i donr realy want to get alll wet it wolud put me out of commision for a whlie so get up here
im not tlkn w u through a street lamp dummy thats lame now get out of taht river b4 i drain it
no lmao just get up here. plz
com on. its ok. no1 else is her
ok finaly. hey there
u ready to talk
…what do you want?
i wanna kno y this is the frs convrsation weve ever had face to face evn tho weve been here like a week now
…you know the answer to that.
…ok fair u dont wanna glitch noobdy but stil u takin the hiding thing relly far. like u r a profesional major legue hide an seek player u shld compete in a hide an seek toumanent nnext
lmao new i coudl make u smile :)
How can you even tell?
i hav an eye 4 thes sorts of thngs
see? here it is. its cald “””smile vison”””””
missingno do u kno y we invited u
its bc ur cool an we thought ud be a rely cool an uniqe contestnt
It’s not worth it.
wahts not wrth it
I’m too much trouble.
no ur not
ur not a murdrer bro ur js spoky
I’m sorry I can’t help it…
every1 has faluts
When’s the last time you gave someone an hallucination of getting their eyes plucked out?
dont recal. um how mch contrl do u hav ovr the spoopy stuff?
…it gets worse when I’m nervous.
well easier said then done but sonds lik we need to get u less nervos
i hav an idea. u wanna make sm cold hard $$$cash$$???????
ok 4 real th pay sux but y dont u work in the kitchn w HOBaRT? he gets back fromm th shop tomorrw
Are you out of your mind? Everyone will be eating their own fingers for dinner.
lmao if that hapns u can just like go on break and get a breath of fresh air rite
…but HOBaRT is a machine… he’s more prone…
HOBaRT is a profesional who i thnk can take on anythng. like srsly, hav you tried his cooking yet?
he can make u whatevrs its awesomne. besides did u see how happpy he was when u gave him talkn powers he would do anythng to hav that again
…I don’t know… won’t it be… mad… at me?
…I mean… during round two I…
o right
…u no if theres 1 thing abot this place thats suprised me its how supportve evry1 has been of each other. its not relly about winning or losng here. winng is like just frostng on the cake or smthn. its only king 4 a day, after alll. getting to run th channel 4 1 day is not the most glamerus thing ever. I can speak from experence. what realy maters is that we alll get 2 be here 2gethr an jus be ourselves. and aslo duke it out 2 cuz its fun :) its not jus anywher tha u can jus be urself and hav others acept u 4 it. so yeah, tbh, id be suprizd if HOBaRT was mad at u 4 u beating him so bad
so how abot it? u wana help HOBaRT mak donuts n stuff?
…I can’t
y not
I don’t have a W2.
lmao do u realy think thats how things work arond here? u hav a lot of catching up 2 do.