DJ Professor K
Hey hey, how you rudies doin’ out there?! Y’all tuning in or WHAT? This is your King for a Day, DJ Professor K!
DJ Professor K
I got my kid doin’ her thing on here today, but did you really think I’d let her take all the fun here on the MOJO? The big K’s got some miiighty fine posts cooking up just for you, so keep those eyes peeled, suckas!
DJ Professor K
But hey, while I got you here, lemme show you around the place!

DJ Professor K
Ahh, my good old base of operations, Jet Set Radio Studios! Or just the JSR HQ, for short. For today, I’m having a party with some of my old rudie pals, all while yours truly DJs for you folks at home!
DJ Professor K
That’s it from this old bag of funk, I’ll see you when I see you, K out! Oh, and don’t forget…
DJ Professor K