The 7th Star Piece – Geno Interview #2

Unregistered HyperCam 2

hell0 every1 2day we hab anothwr iterveiw wit gneo. say hi geeno!


Hello there! I’m glad to be back.


Before we begin, please ignore any background noise! Wobbuffett made a bit of a mess earlier and he and K.O. are cleaning it up right now.

Wobba wob…


Hiya everyone! Don’t worry, I’ll have this cleaned up for you in no time!


Ok K.O.! Now, Geno, how do you feel after your match against Weird Al?


I must say, despite the outcome, it was quite a fun bout! That “BEAT IT” fellow really gave Weird Al an edge. And not to mention that outstanding track of theirs, such a captivating melody!

Unregistered HyperCam 2

but u had a co0l gun arm. an3body wit a cool gun arm shud b da winn3r :c


Ah, well. As much as I’d enjoy proving my strength to the world, I couldn’t possibly take the spotlight all for myself with such talented and unique contestants…


Such respectful behavior! I don’t think I could have expected anything else from such an established veteran! Moving onto our next que-


Uhhh, hey! What’s that over there now? I think it’s the 7th Star Piece!

Unregistered HyperCam 2

omg11111!1!1! mewoth its da s3evnt star pece,, like da funni number. u got 2 go aftr it !!


Yep, that’s right! Come now, feline, we’ve got to get that Star Piece!


What the- Hey, get your hands off me, bub! What’s the big idea?!

*Geno picks up Meowth and rushes Meowth out of the interview room. Geno calls back through the stairway.*

The art team should be able to help keep Meowth away! I’ll be back later, K.O., you do your thing!


Thanks mister! Okay, Wobbuffett, let ‘em in now!


*Wobbuffett opens the door to the interview room and a lump of characters pile through the door.*

(scurrying onto the scene, carrying tons of folders and papers) Hurry up, you guys! We’re not even supposed to be in this interview!


It is quite peculiar to have a place such as this for battles…


Wooaaaaaaaaah!!!! I didn’t think you brought this many people along with you, Johnny!

Johnny Bravo

Anything for you, kid. Johnny’s got more than enough muscle to carry all these fellas along for the ride. Hah! *Pose* And yeah, that’s right ladies, I’m great with kids. Hmph! *pose*

Unregistered HyperCam 2

he11o every1!!! ur live say smthn c:


Oh, a-are we live right now? Oh gosh, uh…hello SiIvaGunner fans!, u-uh I’m Edd, but people call me Double D! We’re all from this one place that’s called CN City, and, uhh, u-uh-


Hey, let us introduce ourselves too you dumb buffoon! I’M Buttercup! Me and my sisters are superheroes, and we whoop some major a–


Gah!! W-watch the papers, please!


Hmmmm.. What is zis “MOJO” supposed to be? Its function seems to be quite peculiar… but if I just make a few tweaks here and there, zen-


Dexter, you’re breaking the website! Don’t mess with it, the viewers need it to read the interview!

Interview? What is zis nonsense you are talking about?

You know, an INTERVIEW? Where you ask questions and get answers?

*Finn and Steven rush into the interview room.*

Woah! Hey, watch it!


Hi guys! Sorry we’re late, but we’re here now!


We got a little lost on the way here! Lion thought it was a good time for a nap right before we had to leave, and honestly I feel that.


Oh my gosh, K.O., is that you!? How are you? It’s been a while!


Steven! Finn! It’s great to see you guys again! I’m a little sad that Johnny lost his first match, but I know he has what it takes to make it to the top. As long as we have his back!


Save the chatting for later, please!!!!! A-as I was trying to say earlier, Johnny here is fighting for everyone in CN City, and we’re all cheering from the sidelines!


Correct. We have all decided to lend our good friend Johnny a hand by providing him with all the support he’ll need to win the tournament. There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll soar high with us backing him up. Defeating others on the battlefield with his…music…(which I still don’t understand, how does this competition work?)


Don’t you worry, Johnny, we’re here for you! You may be an adult, but anyone fighting for the good of KND is good in my book.

Johnny Bravo

Aw, yeah. Wait, whazzis about adults? You callin me old sonny boy?


Hey, Double D! Tell ‘em about those papers you’re wiggling all over.


W-well, yes! I spent a lot of time making connections between different artists and composers and production specialists and marketing managers and translators and crowd control and programmers and website designers and hair stylists and motivational speakers and animal control and hot air balloon specialists and telemarketers and food delivery services and –


Hey, give us the short version, will ya? We don’t have all day!


O-o-of course! To summarize everything, I made sure every one of our friends that are here got a track for the tournament! Uh, and of course t-thank you s-sound team for the hard work, too!


Woow! That’s a lot of music!


U-uh, wait a minute! Did everyone make it here?

*A cowardly shriek is heard in the distance. Courage bolts into the room, Grim follows at a steady pace.*



Get back here, Courage! You got ta relax or we’re goin ta make a scene! Oh, hey, is this where we all are now?


Shhhhhhhhh! Courage!!!! S-somebody might hear you and find us out!!!!!!!!!

*Geno bursts out of the basement, almost out of breath.*

Phew! That should be taken care of for awhile. How are things going over here, K.O.?


Ohh, welcome back, mister! Hey, you guys should all meet Geno! He’s the one who let us come do this in the first place!


We’re all forever in your gratitude, Mr. Geno, sir! Uh, if there’s anything you need in the future, just let me know! Really!


Well, it’s only the least I could do. I was in Johnny Bravo’s shoes last tournament, after all. It’s tough being booted out so early. I suppose now that it’s in the air though, I do have one favor in mind…

*Geno walks over to Johnny, holding out his hand.”

You can do me a favor by having a fair fight. I wish you the best of luck, Bravo.

Johnny Bravo

Likewise, little puppet man.

*The two begin to handshake, but Meowth bursts through the door shortly after.*


Wob?! WOB!


What’re ya doing letting all these bozos in here?! You know all these folk gotta check in with Mr. Notwoodman before comin’ into the studio, don’t ya?! Out with ya! Allaya! Out!!


Ohhhh deaar! Sorry but I think we gotta be on our way now! U-uh, thanks again, Geno, and thank you to all the SiIvagunner fans!! We hope you keep enjoying the tourna-


